
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone I would like to start this blog off with an apology for being MIA the last couple of weeks. I am so excited to update you on everything but for now, I want to share other ministry opportunities we had in Armenia! 



My team did many different things with CRU, if you read my last blog we did a vacation bible school, my favorite ministry was English Club.



At English Club, we played different games and broke off into smaller groups just to have conversations.



This was an easy way for them to practice their English and for us to get to know them better. Almost all of them were students studying at a university and were learning English. 



It was incredible to see how we were even able to share the Gospel through this Club. I know in my group they asked us questions and we were able to ask them questions as well, which led to deeper conversations. As well as conversations about our trip and our own beliefs. I love seeing how the Lord can use something like English Club for his kingdom. 


I was able to make connections with some of the other girls and further our friendship outside of the English Club. I have a younger sister and brother who I miss dearly and the Lord blessed me with the girls I met. When I was hanging out with one of them it reminded me of hanging out with my siblings back home. The Lord has been furthering my love for children but I have always had a heart for high schoolers and young adults. 


2 responses to “Using English Club For The Gospel”

  1. So good Abbey wow.
    I love the pictures, they speak volumes of what y’all were doing there. ESL is such a powerful tool overseas in so many countries. So glad you could utilize it as a springboard into even deeper, life-changing and eternal truths.
    By the way, unless I missed it I’m looking forward to hearing some bullet points in a blog about “stubbornness “. I loved your courage in stepping up to share towards the end of dBrief. It was so anointed and perfect. Can’t wait to hear from your next blog. Thanks again Abbey