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Did you know it takes 4 days to catch up on 1 hour of missed sleep? 

The Lord has been teaching me an immense amount of things in the last 3. One being you HAVE to rest. Nonnegotiable, point blank, period. For the last 6 years I have been going and going with no real rest. Working to earn love. Working to earn status. Working to please others.Truly I was just running myself into the ground.

As I was getting ready to leave for the race, I tried to rest and it didn’t work out too well. I really didn’t know how to.  My church did a sermon series on Sabbath. Despite even that wake up call, I couldn’t figure it out. I was exhausted and running on empty. I honestly didn’t even know I was. I just thought it was normal. I could feel everything catching up to me, but instead of taking it to the Lord, I tried to fix it myself like always. This has been a pretty consistent theme the Lord has been showing me. I have been trying so hard to earn love in relationships, but especially with the Lord. Trying to earn everything caused me to give up rest. After years of working and striving, I lost my ability to rest and rely on others for anything. Since fracturing my ankle, I have been in a position of letting people serve me without being able to do much in return, which is so hard. There has been numerous times I would try to do things on my own and ended up just being more frustrated with my situation.

My race thus far has been interesting. I have been able to receive more rest since being on the field than I have in the last 6 years. I did get COVID in January and was quarantined with my team for 14 days. I slept pretty much for 14 days straight. About a week later, I fractured my ankle and was forced to rest more.

Since January 22nd I have been catching up on 2,190 days of not truly resting. I was walking today and really questioning God why my race has looked the way it has and He simply replied “because you need to rest and trust in me”. Countless times He’s been showing me how He provides especially in times of rest and sacrificing what I want to do. 

After you finish reading this blog I recommend reading Hebrews 4:1-13 the Lord showed me this passage during one of my sabbath days. I 10/10 recommend resting, whatever that looks like for you, even taking a 5 minute break from what you’re doing and ask the Lord what rest looks like for you.  

“So then we must be eager to experience this faith-rest life, so that no one falls short by following the same pattern of doubt and unbelief.”
Hebrews 4:11 TPT

I’m excited to share what my last 9 days have looked like with my team and how the Lord has been carrying out what feels like a 3 month sabbath. Subscribe for updates and notifications when I post!! Thank you everyone for all your support and prayers! 



8 responses to “2,190 Days of Little to No Rest”

  1. It’s been a blessing to serve you and see you grow in your trust in the Lord and us as a team. I’m also learning how to rest.. it’s so so important.
    Thank you for sharing!!! We are your friends. I love you my child!!

  2. Dear Abbey, You are precious to God and to us. We are so glad we found out about your blog and how to contact you. We are excited to know how God is working in your life and what He is teaching you. Learning to rest is a hard thing for me, too. We are praying for you always and praying for fast healing for your foot!! God bless you, beautiful girl. We love you LOTS!
    Gma Karen and Gpa Jack

  3. Great blog post today!! Thanks for sharing, it always awesome to see what God is doing in your life! Love you!!

  4. I miss you both very much! I’m glad you were able to subscribe to see what the Lord is doing!! Can’t wait to tell you everything in person!! Love you!

  5. Love you so much!! Thank you for your support, can’t wait to see you and the rest of the family!!

  6. Thank YOU for your encouragement! I’m thankful for you and that you helped me get here!! I look up to you and I wouldn’t be able to do these things without the Lord and you!

  7. I am truly blessed to have you as now my squad leader!!! I’m thankful we’re able to grow and do life together! LOVE YOU!!