
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey friends! So a few blogs ago I told everyone I would update them on what has been going on. Mainly my eventful time in Chicaman which I will! The Lord has just been putting other blogs on my heart. Around 3 or 4 weeks ago I fractured my ankle falling off of a horse. I will be sharing in due time! For now I wanted to share some pictures of another village we went to. My team was able to go to this village a few times before and after this day.Luckily I had the opportunity to go since we wouldn’t be walking around a ton. The village was hit hard due to a mudslide and was deeply effected. Many people lost their homes and lives. Please pray for this community as they are still facing trauma and rebuilding their lives. 


Everyone on my team was able to share a word or their testimony. MaryGrace (in the yellow shirt) was able to lead worship with our host mom. Go check out her blog, she is also still fundraising to stay on the field. Please pray about also supporting her! 


One of my favorite things about going to do ministry is watching how much fun the kids have. They love interacting with us and we love, loving them. God has really been opening my heart towards younger children. I enjoy pouring into junior high and high schoolers but God has put so much excitement in my heart for younger kiddos and being able to interact with them. 



Even though I was stationed in the back of the truck and wasn’t really able to move. I still loved playing and taking pictures of everyone around me. I had moments creep in of frustration, not being able to walk around and get different viewpoints. As I looked back editing these pictures I had memories flood of the sweet moments. Yes I could physically see those moments but I had feelings of joy and simply having fun with everyone. 


I have been learning so much even in the last 7 weeks with this internship. Normally I prefer landscape photography but I have been learning how to take pictures of people. I’ve been enjoying it SO MUCH and appreciate being able to capture people authentically. While we were on the side of the road sharing the gospel, I was able to take pictures of the area. The mountains and hills. The houses and all of the landscape things. It was honestly a gift to be able to just sit in the middle of everything and soak in not just the people but the nature around me. 

I just wanted to take this time to say thank you to everyone supporting me. I would not be able to take these photos and experience the opportunities I have been without your help. It’s because of you and the grace of God I have been able to live out my dream as a photographer while sharing God’s word.  Thank you so much. I was able to reach my current deadline but I am still in need of $5,500 to stay on the field. If you feel led to give you can do so by donating through the website, or my Venmo: abbey-spiker prayers for our time on the field are also a huge blessing. 

Please comment any prayer request my team and I can be praying for! 



2 responses to “Positioned In One Perspective”

  1. I love all the pics of the kids and your team interacting! We’re praying for complete healing in your body so you can be at 100 percent. Love you girl!

  2. SO SWEET!! I love seeing you step with boldness and open hands to your gifting as a photographer and storyteller! You’re a STAR!