
Explore My News,
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Did you know Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity? Did you know that 97% of Armenia’s population are Christians?  You would think that’s awesome right?! Through many different conversations my team and I have learned although 97% of the population claim they believe, only few actually follow. 


Currently, there is complacency in the church, in Christians, and overall they are just missing the mark of what it looks like to follow the Lord. My team really saw this on a tour we were able to go on with our current host/ministry partner. As we saw different monasteries and pagen temples that are occasionally still being used. It was clear that even though it might seem like a Christian nation they (not all) are far from truly knowing God. 



Our ministry partners CRU (Campus Crusades) took us and another team on a tour of different temples and monasteries. It was a blessing to learn about Armenia’s history from our host! 



On our tour we went to two different popular landmarks, a temple, and a monastery. 


What has my team been doing about this sleepiness? As we have been working with CRU (campus crusade) and we have been able to meet and work with so many different people. My team has helped with a VBS, English Club, and we have visited different churches to support and encourage them. We’ve been able to show Armenia what Christ’s love looks like through how we love each other and at the different churches we have been able to encourage them through our testimonies. 

While we were at the monastery, we found a room with amazing acoustics. We started worshiping and praising the Lord. These were little ways that I know the Lord is using to start a revival in Armenia.

At the end of the day we met up with more members of CRU and had dinner with them. We were able to learn more about their hearts and ministries through CRU. 

What can YOU do to help with this sleepiness? I know the Lord is going to do something big here and He is starting to stir things up. I encourage you to learn more about the history of Armenia. Through the tour and my time at a museum, I have learned this country is rich in history. There was a genocide that began with persecuting Christians as early as the 1700s and ended with the deaths of 600,000-1.5 million people later in the early 1900s during the genocide. There is still a deep hurt you can feel when you arrive in Armenia. Only 31 countries even recognize this tragic event as a genocide. Be praying for that hurt, pray for a new awakening in the church and in people who claim to be followers. Pray that there would be more laborers. If you read my last blog (if you haven’t go check it out) intercession is crucial and you can be interceding for Armenia! 


The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

Matthew 9:37



2 responses to “Waking Up Armenia”

  1. HI beautiful granddaughter, Abbey. For some reason, I have not been able to find you for awhile. But, praise God, I found your blogs today and have been trying to get caught up in reading them. What a wonderful blessing that God has healed you physically and emotionally and is doing such a great work in you spiritually. I love your reminder of the power of prayer and the importance of interceding for others. And I love your photography. You are SO talented and BEAUTIFUL on the outside and inside. Don’t ever let Satan, or anyone else, tell you differently. You are very special and we will always love you just the
    way you are. Always lifting you up in prayer and loving you so much, J and K

  2. OOF this is convicting! There are a lot of people who ‘claim they believe, only few actually follow.’ What a testament to waking up the sleeping church; you are doing exactly that and telling the story of it. I’m so proud!